Week 6: Apple Cider Pie (or, A 2-Pie Week)

Some days are just regular days. And then some days, a friend sends you a glorious new pie cookbook out of the blue, and the world becomes a better place than it had been 30 minutes earlier.

This book appeared unannounced on my doorstep, courtesy of my good friend Kelly. Spontaneous acts of kindness, guys—we’ve got to do more of them.

This book appeared unannounced on my doorstep, courtesy of my good friend Kelly. Spontaneous acts of kindness, guys—we’ve got to do more of them.

The book is First Prize Pies by Allison Kave, and it is some serious eye candy in addition to the usual, you know, belly candy. I’m enjoying the incredible variety of ideas she includes—no two pies are similar.

I’ve had in mind ideas (piedeas, as I like to think of them) for an apple cider pie, with a pudding-like bottom and a cinnamon whipped cream topping. Lo and behold, Allison had a recipe for one, and it looked delicious. I made it according to her instructions (Actually, her boyfriend’s… long story. Read the book.), with the only exception being that I spiced my apple cider as I was reducing it, and I added a drizzle of caramel sauce to the top. It was excellent–just the right amount of sweet and tangy, and a smooth, custardy texture. Definitely one to make again.

Apple Cider Pie Take 1

Apple Cider Cream Pie (Take 1)

But, my one disappointment was that you really lost the apple cider flavor, which really surprised me. I really wanted a pie that tasted primarily of spiced cider, with whipped cream as a compliment quality, not a dominating one. I started doing some hunting online, and it seems that no one has made the apple cider pie I was envisioning.

So, I went back to the kitchen, and it became a 2-pie week. To make the pie, I modified my chocolate pudding recipe, replacing the milk with reduced apple cider and omitting the cocoa powder. I topped the pie with mildly sweetened whipped cream (deciding to leave out the cinnamon here), and drizzled my favorite caramel sauce over the top. This pie was also quite good, and it was much more like what I had been picturing. The apple cider punches right through, and the caramel sauce brings out the cinnamon and cloves spicing the cider. And just like that, another week goes by without giving away more than a slice or two of pie. Full disclosure: without giving away more than a slice or two of either pie.

Apple Cider Pie, Take 2

Apple Cider Pie, Take 2

Apple Cider Cream Pie (made 10/23/15)
(Very slightly adapted from Allison Kave’s Jay’s Apple Cider Cream Pie)

1 unbaked pie crust – I used my standard recipe, which you can borrow from this recipe, but substituted chilled butter for shortening

1 ½ c. apple cider
1 cinnamon stick
6 whole cloves
¾ c. granulated sugar
½ c. sour cream
¼ tsp. salt

1 c. heavy whipping cream
2 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon (optional: I omitted it because of the cinnamon in the cider)

Caramel Sauce:
½ c. (1 stick) butter
½ c. sugar
1 Tbsp. molasses
1/8 tsp. salt
¼ heavy whipping cream

Preheat oven to 425 degrees, and roll pie dough into a circle about 11 inches in diameter. Transfer it to a 9-inch pie pan, and crimp the edges. Blind-bake the piecrust until it is partially baked: Fit a piece of aluminum foil into the unbaked crust so that the edges come up above the level of the pie crust, and fill with pie weights (or dry rice or beans). Bake for 20 minutes; if the crust still appears wet when you remove the weights and foil, return to the oven at 350 degrees for another 5 minutes.

For the filling: Combine the cider, cinnamon, and cloves in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat, and allow to boil until it has been reduced to half (3/4 cup). Let cool—this is important, so that you don’t cook the eggs when you add it to the other filing ingredients. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, sugar, sour cream, and salt until well blended. Slowly drizzle in the apple cider, whisking to incorporate. Pour the filling into the crust. Bake at 425 to 20-25 minutes, or until the filling has just set and is still a bit wobbly in the middle. (Mine took quite a bit longer.)

For the caramel sauce, combine butter, sugar, molasses, and salt in a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat until it comes to a boil, stirring frequently. Continuing to stir, allow to boil for one more minute. Add whipping cream and return to a boil, stirring constantly and allowing to boil for 2-3 minutes further.

For the topping: In a stand mixer, with a hand mixer, or by hand (I’ve started doing this by hand—phew, it makes you tired! but the texture is irreplaceable), whip the cream with the powdered sugar and cinnamon (if using) until soft peaks form.If you are serving the entire pie at once, pile the whipped cream on top of the cooked pie filling, then drizzle caramel sauce decoratively over the top. If you plan to store part of the pie, I recommend spooning whipped cream on and drizzling caramel over individual pieces, as you eat them.


Apple Cider Pie, Take 2 (made 10/26/15)

1 unbaked pie crust – again, I used my standard recipe as shown here, but substituted chilled butter for shortening

4 c. apple cider
2 cinnamon sticks
10 whole cloves
1 tsp. lemon juice
¼ c. cornstarch
¼ c. sugar
2 tsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla

1 c. heavy whipping cream
1 Tbsp. powdered sugar (more if you like your whipped cream sweeter)

Caramel Sauce:
½ c. (1 stick) butter
½ c. sugar
1 Tbsp. molasses
1/8 tsp. salt
¼ heavy whipping cream

Preheat oven to 425 degrees, and roll pie dough into a circle about 11 inches in diameter. Transfer it to a 9-inch pie pan, and crimp the edges. Blind-bake the piecrust: Fit a piece of aluminum foil into the unbaked crust so that the edges come up above the level of the pie crust, and fill with pie weights (or dry rice or beans). Bake for 20 minutes. Remove the weights and foil from the piecrust. Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees, and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Combine apple cider, cinnamon sticks, and cloves in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Allow to boil until reduced to half its original volume (2 cups). Let cool. Still in the medium saucepan, add to the apple cider the lemon juice, cornstarch, and sugar. Whisk well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil and begins to thicken. Still stirring, allow the mixture to boil for an additional 2 minutes. Remove from the heat, and stir in the butter and vanilla. Pour into fully baked piecrust, and let cool.

For the caramel sauce, combine butter, sugar, molasses, and salt in a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat until it comes to a boil, stirring frequently. Continuing to stir, allow to boil for one more minute. Add whipping cream and return to a boil, stirring constantly and allowing to boil for 2-3 minutes further.

Using a hand mixer, stand mixer, or by hand (oh, my tired arms!), whisk heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar until soft peaks form. If you are serving the entire pie at once, pile the whipped cream on top of the cooked pie filling, then drizzle caramel sauce decoratively over the top. If you plan to store part of the pie, I recommend spooning whipped cream on and drizzling caramel over individual pieces, as you eat them.

Week 5: Campfire Apple Pie

In mid-October, we made a pilgrimage to Rocky Mountain National Park, which is the land of milk and honey as far as my husband is concerned. We lucked out: the park can easily be snowy by that time of year, but this year the elk were still out and the aspens were in their full glory.

The Husband, in the promised land

The Husband, in the promised land

We are committed tent campers. Camping food is one of my very favorite parts of the experience, hands down, and cast iron pie irons are an essential. I grew up on campfire pies made with cheap white bread (another camping essential) and canned pie filling (apple, please). But, in recent years I’ve been playing around with ingredients with very tasty results.


It was difficult to decide which of those mouth-watering ( –and mouth-burning! I often find it too hard to wait for them cool, and then misery ensues– ) pie to choose for this week’s post, but apple pie won out. The good news is that I’m sure we’ll go camping more than once this year, so there will be time for more campfire pies next spring.


Pre-campfire apple pies

Pre-campfire apple pies


(Do not be deceived–that delectable dessert in front is a pie, not a sandwich! Square pie irons=cognitive dissonance.)

Also, it turns out that one sure-fire way to prevent yourself from burning your mouth on your pie is to take lots of pictures of them first.

Apple Pie, Campfire Style (made 10/15/15)
makes 1 serving

½ an apple, sliced very thin (approx. 1 ½ Tbsp. – you will likely have extra)
1 marshmallow, cut in half
2 slices of cheap-o white bread
butter or margarine (margarine spreads more easily

Butter the two bread slices. Place one on each side of the pie iron, with butter side facing the cast iron.

Heap apple slices in the middle of one slice of bread, topping with marshmallow halves. Do not overfill—you want to be sure that the edges of the bread will crimp tightly together when you close the pie iron.

Seal the pie irons closed. (Eat the crumbly edges of bread that remain on the outside.) Bake by placing over coals, checking frequently and turning over partway through. The pie is done when the bread has turned a toasty golden brown on both sides.

Week 4: The “Maybe You’ll Like This Pumpkin Pie”

The "Maybe You'll Like This Pumpkin Pie"

The “Maybe You’ll Like This Pumpkin Pie”

The way this week’s pie came into being is a simple story, and it is this. On the way home from the gym the other day, I called my very best friend to wish her a happy birthday. In the course of our chat, she asked me what pie was on the docket for this week. Realizing that I hadn’t really a clue at that point, I suggested that she choose, in honor of her birthday. Without hesitation, she responded: pumpkin.

That’s not strange at all. Except that she hates pumpkin pie.

“Maybe you’ll be able to make one that I’ll like.”

Okay. I decided on my plan on the rest of my way home: add cream cheese, add streusel. What isn’t improved by cream cheese and streusel? Bada-bing, bada-boom. And it was delicious. [Said best friend would say that my choice of cream cheese was very Midwestern. But she’s Midwestern, too, so it’s okay. Also, I promise not to put streusel and cream cheese into everything this year.]

I will be making this pie again when she comes for Thanksgiving, but if you feel the urge to set aside what you’re doing right this minute and go make it for yourself, I won’t judge.

The “Maybe You’ll Like This Pumpkin Pie” (made 10/8/15)

1 recipe pie dough, as in here (I think I used half butter, half shortening instead of all shortening this time)

1 16-oz. can (or 2 cups) pumpkin
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 c. sugar
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. ginger
½ tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 ½ c. milk
4 oz. cream cheese, softened

Streusel Topping:
1 ½ c. flour
½ c. + 2 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp. molasses
¼ tsp. kosher salt
½ c. butter, melted
½ tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Roll out pie dough into a circle approximately 11 inches in diameter. Place in a greased 9-inch pie pan. Trim selvedges to 1 inch of overhang, then fold edges under and crimp decoratively. Set aside.

For the filling: Mix all ingredients in a stand or hand mixer until well blended. Pour into unbaked piecrust.

For the streusel topping: Mix together the flour, sugar, and salt. In a separate bowl, combine the molasses, butter, and vanilla. Combine the two mixtures, rubbing the wet ingredients in with your fingers to achieve an overall crumbly texture. Pour gently over the filling. (Some will sink down into the pumpkin mixture, and that’s okay—just try to minimize it as you can.)

Bake pie at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 350 degrees, and bake another 45 minutes. Pie is done when streusel is toasty brown and a knife inserted into the middle comes out clean.

Week 3: The Don’t -Forget-Me-While-I’m-Gone Cherry Pie

A few years back, we lived in Princeton, New Jersey, where my husband attended seminary. If you were to stop me on the street and ask me what the best part of living in New Jersey was, I would answer without hesitation: the Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch markets. More specifically, their soft pretzels.* Followed closely by their desserts: fried hand pies, whoopie pies, and sticky buns. Followed closely again by the Garden State’s fabulous (and affordable) farmer’s markets.

Reading Terminal Market

Let’s all take a moment of thoughtful gratitude for Amish baked goods.


Our favorite fried hand pies at the Amish market always had a good-sized pat of cream cheese in them, which I think is sheer genius. Hold this thought.

I knew, when I was planning the pie for this weekend, that it was going to be primarily consumed by The Husband, because I was going to be out of town at a conference. This meant that the pie had to be cherry—his favorite. The best cherry pies in his book are made from Michigan cherries, where he spent a number of memorable childhood summers sipping cherry-ade at The Cherry Hut. Lucky me, I found a forgotten bag of Michigan pie cherries in the freezer. Taking a nod from our Amish dessert experts above, I decided to up the ante by adding dollops of cream cheese. Behold, the Don’t-Forget-Me-While-I’m Gone Cherry Pie.

Don't Forget Me Cherry Pie

The Don’t-Forget-Me-While-I’m-Gone Cherry Pie

I did manage to get one slice of this pie before I had to leave, and it was delicious. The filling is primarily borrowed from The Best Recipe’s Lattice Top Cherry pie, to which I’m partial, but the cream cheese was a nice addition. Unfortunately, it didn’t physically integrate into the pie well, and next time I might consider creaming it with the sugar before stirring them both into the cherries. Also, the pie turned out a little soupy because I forgot to compensate for the high proportion of cherry juice in this particular batch of cherries. That said, the pie evidently served as a reminder of me several times a day over the course of the weekend, being as it was gone by the time I got home.

* Though soft pretzels closely rival pie in my food love rankings (and would likely win on most days—gasp!), this is a pie challenge and a pie blog, so this post will stick to the fried hand pies.


The Don’t-Forget-Me –While-I’m-Gone Cherry Pie
Adapted only slightly from The Best Recipe’s Lattice-Top Cherry Pie

1 recipe pie dough (you can use the same one I used here)
¼ c. cornstarch
1 ¼ c. sugar
¼ tsp. cinnamon
a pinch of salt
6 c. sour pie cherries (frozen or fresh)
¼ tsp. almond extract
3 oz. cream cheese

Roll half the pie dough out to a circle approximately 11 inches in diameter. Fit into a greased 9-inch pie pan. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees.

Soften the cream cheese in the microwave. Stir together with the cornstarch, sugar, cinnamon, salt, and almond extract. Add to the cherries and stir to distribute evenly. Add the filling to the unbaked piecrust. [This is what I would do next time. In reality, I just placed pats of cream cheese on top of the cherry filling before I added the top crust, and the cream cheese didn’t incorporate itself at all. Still tasty, but not the most skillful or beautiful in terms of presentation.]

Roll out the remainder of the pie dough to a circle approximately 10-11” in diameter. Dipping your fingers in cold water, dampen the rim of the bottom crust (to ensure a tight seal), and place the top crust over the pie. Press gently along the rim to seal. Trim the selvedges of the dough to about an inch overhang, then fold under and crimp decoratively. Cut several vent holes in the top of the pie.

Lower the oven temperature to 425 degrees, and bake the pie for 25-30 minutes, or until the crust is set and begins to brown. Lower the oven temperature to 375 degrees and bake an additional 25-30 minutes, or until crust is brown and the juices are bubbly. Cool and serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.