Week 16: Amazing Mounds Bar Pie

There is a pie that has been passed down on my mom’s side of the family that is called Amazing Coconut Pie. The “Amazing” is not optional—it has been an essential part of its title since the days that my great-grandmother used to make it. What makes it amazing is this: because the biscuit mix that is added to the batter sinks during the baking process, the pie makes it own crust.

It’s also amazing in my book because it takes a whopping 5 minutes to throw together and leaves only one bowl to wash.

My mom has been hinting for some months now that a pie modeled after a Mounds bar or an Almond Joy would be a really good idea. She and I are both big fans of Amazing Coconut Pie, and I thought it could be easily tweaked to become an Amazing Mounds Bar Pie. It was—we happily enjoyed it together over the first episode of Downton Abbey’s final season last weekend.


Mom’s Amazing Mounds Bar Pie. The Husband and I sampled it the day before while we were completely rehashing our budget. We needed it.

One other Amazing fact: For the first time since the launch of this blog, I am CAUGHT UP on posts. This is beyond exciting, guys. (And short-lived…  I’m planning to make my next pie tomorrow.)

Amazing Mounds Bar Pie (made 1/2/16)
2 c. milk
¾ c. sugar
½ c. biscuit mix (store-bought, or see recipe below)
4 eggs
¼ c. butter or margarine, melted
2 tsp. vanilla
1 c. shredded, unsweetened coconut

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a blender or in a bowl with a hand mixer or whisk, combine all ingredients. Pour into a greased pie pan. Bake for 40 minutes, or until custard is set in the center. Serve warm or cold.

Biscuit Mix:
½ c. shortening
2 c. flour
4 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. cream of tartar
2 tsp. sugar

Mix together flour, baking powder, salt, cream of tartar, and sugar. Add shortening and cut together with a fork or pastry blender until the mixture resembles small pea-like crumbles. (To make into biscuits beyond just the mix, add 2 c. of milk, and bake at 450 for 12-ish minutes after forming them into biscuit shapes.)

Week 15: Butterscotch Pie with Pretzel Crust


Butterscotch Pie with Pretzel Crust

The experimental component of the Week 15 Pie (Week 15! Already!) is in the crust. I’m curious about making crusts that capitalize on other ingredients or pastries – pretzels, shortbread, granola, with herbs…

This is my first attempt at making a pretzel-based crust. Next time, I think I’d toast the pretzel crumbs on the stove first, and I’d increase the amount of butter to 8 Tbsp. (1 stick). Otherwise, it’s a good start!

For the filling, I used this recipe from Chowhound. It’s a good one – I especially liked the smooth texture of the custard, but I do think that my pie would have benefited from a deeper browning of the brown sugar-butter mixture.

Butterscotch Pie with Pretzel Crust – made 12/26/15

For the crust:
1 ½ c. pretzel crumbs (made from hard pretzels, like Snyder’s, ground fine in a food processor)
6-8 Tbsp. butter (I recommend trying 8)
1/3 c. sugar

For the filling, see Chowhound’s recipe, but skip the crust steps.


Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

Combine all crust ingredients with a fork or in a food processor. Press into the bottom and up the sides of a pie pan using greased fingers or a flat-bottomed glass.  (You will probably have more crumb mixture than you need, so discard any amount you feel is excess–for me, it was a little over 1/2 a cup.) Prebake the crust for 10 minutes, or until the crust begins to brown and smell toasty. Set aside.

Prepare the filling as instructed at the link above. Pour the filling into the crust, and allow to fully cool before serving.

Week 14: Hot Chocolate Pie


Hooray for hot chocolate pie! One for us, and a teeny one for our fabulous neighbor, Rita.

Mmmmm…. I’d been plotting this pie for a long time. When I finally made it, we brought it to a Christmas party, which was a good thing… otherwise I would have taken care of the entire thing by myself. The pudding was thick, rich; the marshmallows were in just the right proportion. And, the peppermint from the candy cane leeched into the nearby pudding, which was kinda fun.

I did attempt to make a chocolate crust and, while the flavor was excellent, its structure wasn’t ideal. I’m still working out the kinks, but will post a recipe once I get it worked out.

If I had to write a reference letter for this pie, I would give it my highest commendation.

Hot Chocolate Pie (made 12/19/15)

1/2 recipe pie dough (If you want to experiment as I did, try adding 2 Tbsp. sugar and ¼ c. cocoa powder)
½ c. sugar
1/3 c. cocoa powder
¼ c. cornstarch
a pinch of salt
2 c. milk
1 tsp. butter
2 tsp. vanilla
8 oz. miniature marshmallows (1/2 a typical bag)
candy cane(s) for garnish (optional)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

Roll out pie dough to approximately 11 inches in diameter and place in a pie pan. Tuck the edges under and crimp as desired. Blind-bake the piecrust until it is partially baked: Fit a piece of aluminum foil into the unbaked crust so that the edges come up above the level of the pie crust, and fill with pie weights (or dry rice or beans). Bake for 20 minutes; if the crust still appears wet when you remove the weights and foil, return to the oven at 350 degrees for another 5 minutes. Set aside.

Combine the sugar, cocoa powder, cornstarch, salt, and milk in a medium saucepan. Whisk to dissolve the cornstarch. Continue to whisk over medium heat until the mixture begins to thicken, and allow to simmer while stirring for 1 minute further. Remove from heat; add the butter and vanilla and stir to incorporate.

Pour the pudding mixture into the prepared piecrust. Allow to cool for 2-3 minutes. Gently pour the miniature marshmallows on top of the filling. Place a pie shield over the edges of the pie to protect the crust. Then, place the pie on the top rack of the oven with the broiler set on low to brown the marshmallows. Watch carefully so they don’t burn!

Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Tuck a candy cane in the edge before serving if you wish.

Week 13: Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie – (made 12/12/15)

For the first time, I’m not going to post the recipe for this week’s pie… because I forgot to write it down, and now it’s been almost a month since I made it. Sigh.


Honestly, I’m not too sad about it. It was good enough, but not a stand-out. I riffed on this recipe, and I recall that I used a bottle of winter stout in place of the broth, and I omitted the peas per the tastes of The Husband. Which is fair enough, because I think he was a bigger fan of this pie than I was.

Really, the most interesting point for me is this: is it a pie if it doesn’t have a crust? Informal facebook poll says yes, but I still have doubts, because if not for the crust, what are the essential constituents of a pie? Clearly, it didn’t bother me that much: I made this for Week 13 and called it good. And then forgot to write down the recipe.

Week 12: Strawberry Peach Basil Brick Pie


Strawberry Peach Basil Not-Exactly-Slab-More-Like-Brick Pie

This particular pie was intended to be a slab pie – I’ve been enamored with all the slab pies that Smitten Kitchen has posted over the years, and I’m just now getting around to making one. As it turns out, I still have yet to actually make one, because when one is overzealous with one’s filling quantities, one ends up make more of a thick brick pie than a thin slab pie. Unlike a slab pie (which I do still aspire to make!), this pie is not finger food. Which clearly didn’t seem to bother anyone at the party we took it to:


…. 3 hours later

Strawberry Peach Basil Slab Brick Pie (made 12/4/15)

1 ½ batches of (double) pie crust
4 c. peaches (fresh, or thawed from frozen as mine were)
4 c. strawberries (fresh, or thawed from frozen as mine were)
1/3 c. cornstarch (slightly less if using fresh fruit)
1 c. sugar
1 to 3 Tbsp. fresh, finely chopped basil (I used 1 Tbsp. this time, but it was extremely understated. In the future, I’d increase the amount to 3 Tbsp.)
1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 9×13” pan with pan spray.

Roll half the pie dough into a rectangle approximately 13 inches x 17 inches. Place the rolled out crust into the 9×13 pan, easing into the corners and allowing the edges to come up (and over, if needed) the sides of the dish.

In a large bowl, mix together the fruit, cornstarch, sugar, basil, and lemon juice. Pour into prepared crust.

Roll remaining pie dough into a rectangle about 11 inches by 15 inches. Dampen the edges of the bottom crust. Place top crust over filling. Seal the two crusts together and fold inward to crimp. Cut several vent holes in the upper crust.

Place on the middle rack of the oven and bake for approximately 75 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly. (I think my oven may run a little on the cool side, so begin checking around 60 minutes.) Cool an hour (or as long as you can stand) before serving to allow the filling to thicken and set up.

Week 11: Michael’s Eggnog Utopia (Eggnog Brulee Pie)

Thanksgiving this year was a Three Pie Affair. The Maybe You’ll Like This Pumpkin Pie featured for its dedicatee, who happened to be visiting us for the holiday alongside her better half and the two miniature members of their household.


When you’re five, sometimes ice cream is better than pie, even when you say that apple pie is your very favorite.

An individual-sized apple pie was made for this curly-haired wonder, who will confidently announce at any moment that her favorite pie is APPLE pie… it just happens that she doesn’t like to eat it that much. Her mom and I dutifully helped her out with that part.

While the most diminutive member of their family is not yet of pie-consuming age, I had promised the aforementioned Better Half a pie in his honor quite some time ago. His request was eggnog pie, and this was the decadent result.


Eggnog Brulee pie pictured in front, the Maybe You’ll Like This Pie in the back. The Husband’s hand, rapidly beating heavy cream into whipped cream submission, on the right.

I should also mention that I was feeling particularly creative desirous to please the tastes of all those around me, and so I decided to make a single pie that had two different kinds of crust: half the pie had a regular piecrust, and the other half had a pumpkin snap crumb crust. (Sprouts sells pumpkin snaps (like gingersnaps), and they are so tasty. They also make lemon snaps, which I’m afraid to try because I’m afraid I’ll like them too much.)

Michael’s Eggnog Utopia (Eggnog Brulee Pie): (Made Thanksgiving 2015)

Traditional: ½ batch pie dough
Ginger/pumpkin snap:
3/4 c. ground gingersnaps or pumpkin snaps
3 Tbsp. butter
pinch of salt
half of each of the above if you want to make a half-and-half crust like mine.

4 eggs
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. nutmeg
½ c. sugar
4 oz. cream cheese, softened (could be omitted, if you like your pie a little less rich)
1 ¼ c. eggnog
¾ c. whipping cream

2 Tbsp. butter, melted
4 Tbsp. sugar
½ tsp. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

For the crust:
If making traditional crust, roll the dough out to a circle approximately 11 inches in diameter, then place in greased pie pan. Tuck edges under and crimp decoratively. Blind-bake the piecrust until it is partially baked: Fit a piece of aluminum foil into the unbaked crust so that the edges come up above the level of the pie crust, and fill with pie weights (or dry rice or beans). Bake for 20 minutes; if the crust still appears wet when you remove the weights and foil, return to the oven for another 5 minutes.

If making ginger/pumpkin snap crust, melt the butter and combine with crumbs and salt in a food processor (or with a fork). Press the mixture into a greased pie pan along the bottom and up the sides. Chill the crust for 15 minutes (or more), then bake for 10 minutes.

If making half-and-half crust, form the ball of pie dough (which should be 1/4 of a recipe: half of a half batch) into a thick half-moon shape. Roll out into an approximate half-circle shape that is about 11 inches wide and 5-6 inches long. Mentally dividing a greased pie pan into two half-moon halves, lay the crust so that it covers one half of the pan. The outer edge of the half circle should drape over the edges of the pie pan. Tuck the edges under and crimp decoratively. Set aside. Melt 1 ½ Tbsp. butter and combine with a pinch of salt and ¾ c. ginger/pumpkin snap crumbs in a food processor (or with a fork). Press the crumb mixture into the bottom and along the sides of the remaining half of the pie pan. Fit a piece of aluminum foil into the traditional half of the crust so that the edges come up above the level of the pie crust, and fill with pie weights (or dry rice or beans). Bake for 12-13 minutes, then remove from oven. In this method, I am intentionally choosing to slightly underbake the traditional half of the pie crust so that the snap half doesn’t become burnt.

For the filling: In a stand mixer, beat the cream cheese for 2-3 minutes on medium speed, or until smooth. Scrape the cream cheese off the sides of the mixing. Then, add eggs one at a time, continuing to mix at medium-low speed. Add sugar and spices, then eggnog and cream. Mix until combined, but don’t beat so enthusiastically that you start to whip up the whipping cream. Pour filling into the prepared crust and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until filling has set up. Side aside while preparing the brulee topping.

For the topping: While the pie is cooling, mix together the butter, sugar, and cinnamon. Spread the mixture as evenly as possible over the top of the pie. Set the oven broiler to low. Place a pie shield (or create one out of aluminum foil) over the pie crust to protect it from burning [this I did not do—oops], and place the pie back into the oven. Watch the pie carefully (!), and remove from the oven when the sugar and butter begins to brown and bubble.

Cool to room temperature (or chill) and enjoy.