Week 16: Amazing Mounds Bar Pie

There is a pie that has been passed down on my mom’s side of the family that is called Amazing Coconut Pie. The “Amazing” is not optional—it has been an essential part of its title since the days that my great-grandmother used to make it. What makes it amazing is this: because the biscuit mix that is added to the batter sinks during the baking process, the pie makes it own crust.

It’s also amazing in my book because it takes a whopping 5 minutes to throw together and leaves only one bowl to wash.

My mom has been hinting for some months now that a pie modeled after a Mounds bar or an Almond Joy would be a really good idea. She and I are both big fans of Amazing Coconut Pie, and I thought it could be easily tweaked to become an Amazing Mounds Bar Pie. It was—we happily enjoyed it together over the first episode of Downton Abbey’s final season last weekend.


Mom’s Amazing Mounds Bar Pie. The Husband and I sampled it the day before while we were completely rehashing our budget. We needed it.

One other Amazing fact: For the first time since the launch of this blog, I am CAUGHT UP on posts. This is beyond exciting, guys. (And short-lived…  I’m planning to make my next pie tomorrow.)

Amazing Mounds Bar Pie (made 1/2/16)
2 c. milk
¾ c. sugar
½ c. biscuit mix (store-bought, or see recipe below)
4 eggs
¼ c. butter or margarine, melted
2 tsp. vanilla
1 c. shredded, unsweetened coconut

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a blender or in a bowl with a hand mixer or whisk, combine all ingredients. Pour into a greased pie pan. Bake for 40 minutes, or until custard is set in the center. Serve warm or cold.

Biscuit Mix:
½ c. shortening
2 c. flour
4 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. cream of tartar
2 tsp. sugar

Mix together flour, baking powder, salt, cream of tartar, and sugar. Add shortening and cut together with a fork or pastry blender until the mixture resembles small pea-like crumbles. (To make into biscuits beyond just the mix, add 2 c. of milk, and bake at 450 for 12-ish minutes after forming them into biscuit shapes.)